Reality hits hard when HR calls you!
All public service members need to come together and accept reductions in compensation.
Avoiding the pain and devastation of being terminated should be the priority at this time. It is like Russian roulette. Everybody wants to keep their levels of pay until they are on the wrong end of the dismissal conversation.
Regardless of where you sit, it is not possible to maintain the rates of pay that we are presently disbursing.
Cutting staff to the point that we could balance our budget will leave us unable to function.
Compensation is $3.4 billion not counting consultants and doctors. Adding them on gets us to almost $3.8 Billion of an almost $9 Billion Budget. For perspective, we need to be below $7 Billion just to not be borrowing to keep the lights on. There is no way to operate this province in a normal world let alone a Covid devastated economic world at our present compensations.
How we all accept and react to our present reality will determine all of our and our children’s futures.